*** Game Introduction "japan trade" is set in Japan in the 1620s. It is a game that buys and sells and increases wealth. In total there are 33 commodities in circulation and 38 cities. Each of these cities has its own individual products, and while checking the market price, You can earn money by taking goods to the town where you leave. As funds increase, increase vehicles such as carriages and ships, invest in towns with housing and loans, etc. and expand your commercial network. *** home town Players can choose one hometown for each play. A warehouse is placed in your hometown, and you can store up to 25,000 in inventory. There are two types of cities: coastal cities and inland cities. It can be constructed and has access to the sea. You can also move from land, but if there is no land connection city, you can only trade from the sea. It may not be possible. If you choose a coastal city as your hometown, you own 25000 money, 1 oxcart and 1 ship. Start from the state Inland cities have no shipyards, cannot build ships, and cannot access the sea. If you choose an inland city as your hometown, you have 45,000 money and 1 oxcart. Start from the state *** City There are 38 cities in the world of "japan trade", which are classified into the following 8 regions. "Kyushu","Chugoku","Shikoku","Kansai","Chubu","Kanto","Hokuriku", "Tohoku" Some products are often duplicated in the same area, and the market price of goods is They move in almost the same way. *At first, we recommend a coastal city on the mainland side as your hometown. Accessible by both land and sea routes, it is advantageous as a base for logistics. *** How to proceed Organize your vehicle first. If you want to trade by land, buy a carriage. If you want to trade by sea, buy a boat. Hire workers and form a caravan. After checking the market prices of surrounding cities at the trading post, purchase products that are likely to be profitable. When you're ready, depart from the city's main gate or dock and travel to another city. In this way, we will increase the funds by selling products from town to city. The price will always fluctuate depending on the season and region, so you can get more information while gathering information at bars and trading posts. Buy products that are profitable. *** basic operation: Move with wasd key or arrow keys If the panel is open, press enter/z to confirm, space/x to cancel If you have a quantity gauge, you can minimize the value with the C key and maximize the value with the V key. Open the menu screen with the shift key Press the L key to display the surrounding map *** shift menu [Overall situation] Displays the player's current assets, rank, etc. [Corporate formation] If you are moving in the field, the information of the vehicle you are organizing will be displayed. If you are staying in a city, you will see information about the vehicles organized by land and by sea. It shows [List of carriages] You can see the inventory status of your land transportation and the amount of food and water you have. If the player is docked in the city they are staying in, they will be marked with a "**" [List of ships] Displays the inventory status, food, and water capacity of your owned ships. If the player is docked in the city they are staying in, they will be marked with a "**" [Warehouse (home)] The inventory status of the warehouse in your hometown is displayed. [Possessed items] Shows items you have [Loan project] Projects financed in each city and remaining repayment days are displayed [Housing] Displays the number of houses purchased and the daily tenant income [Treasure Map] The location of treasures on the map purchased at the tavern will be displayed as a marker. [log] Check the updated chronology log. Monthly market fluctuations and events that occur in cities are added to the log. *** Navigation map Press the L button to display a map of the surrounding area. Press the L button again to close the navigation map Move the field while using the navigation map and see what kind of cities are in the surrounding area. It is basic to trade after confirmation. *** Enter the city When you approach a city icon, a square frame will appear around it. By pressing the space key or X key at that timing, you will enter the city. *** Inside the city There are multiple buildings inside the city, each with its own function. ****************[Trading Post] The upper left building in the city and the most important building where you buy and sell goods. In addition to trading, you can also check information on each city and market information here. In addition, we can tell you the price correction of the region to which the city belongs and the seasonal market price at that time. [sell goods] Vehicles anchored in the city, and goods in stock in the warehouse if it is a home town can sell. or D Quantity +1 or A -1 Minimize C quantity Maximize V quantity [Buy a product] You can buy items sold at the trading post. or D Quantity +1 or A -1 Minimize C quantity Maximize V quantity [See city information] You can check the population, economy, and items that can be purchased in that city. You can also check here if an event has occurred. [See market price] You can check the commodity price of each city for that day. Product prices fluctuate daily, so if it takes time to move, the price will fluctuate accordingly. There is a possibility. [Listen to local information] In each area, the product price of a fixed category may increase or decrease by a fixed value. Here you can check the price correction of the area to which the area belongs. [Listen to seasonal prices] There is a category whose market price fluctuates greatly depending on the month. Here you can see the product categories that are changing for the month. [merchandise] There are 33 products in the world of "japan trade", which are classified into the following 8 types. [Foreign goods] *Imported from Europe glassware, wine, carpet, Western sweets, [Karamono] *Imported from China lychee, Hazel, ginseng, dye, [Art] * Works of art made in Japan painting, Ink painting, tea utensils, textile, [metal] Money, Copper, Silver, Iron ore, [raw materials] Mulberry, wood, salt, cotton, [Livingware] Kimono, lacquerware, medicine, farm tools, [Food] rice, soy, fish, Gum, potato, Sake, [weapon] gun, bow and arrow, sword Each product has a base price, which varies depending on various factors. As a general rule, it will be sold at the base price in the production area, and the distribution price will be about 2.5 times. In other words, In the production area, it is possible to purchase at 40% of the price in other areas, and the difference is profit for the player. about it. Product prices are often linked to each category, and products classified in the same category are They move in almost the same way. *** Price fluctuations Prices fluctuate due to the following factors: Whether it is a product of the city In the production area, it is sold at about 40% of the market price. city population The population is at least 100 and at most 10,000, and prices are up to +100%. city economy With 5 as the normal economy, it gently fluctuates between 1 and 10 every day. Price fluctuations of +-20% will occur depending on the economy. Price correction for the region to which the city belongs In each area, price correction occurs for each product category. Whether there is a disaster in the city When a disaster occurs, the price of some products will change in the corresponding city. It will converge in about 2-5 months. 1. Famine A famine will cause a small negative modifier to the population growth rate and increase food prices. 2. Plague When an epidemic occurs, there is a large negative correction to the population growth rate, and the price of daily necessities rises. 3. Bandit damage Weapon prices increase when bandit damage occurs. Seasonal variation (varying from month to month) Seasonal variations apply to all cities. In March, June, September, and December, the production of imported goods for export will increase, and the price will drop. In February, May, August, and November, the production of Chinese goods for export increases, and the price drops. In January, April, July and October, the distribution volume of works of art increases and the price falls. *Please pay particular attention to the seasonal market. Depending on the product, the price may fluctuate greatly when the month is updated, so You need to be careful when purchasing goods at the end of the month. You can check the seasonal price at the tavern or the trading post. By checking the quote panel at the trading post, you can see information for all cities. You can check it. ****************[Office] Invest in housing or lend money and receive interest in the building closest to the main city gate. can do. Also, in certain cities, you can buy a trade license for that country, and if you buy it, you can buy and sell in that country You can receive preferential treatment at the price. [Financing] At the government office, you can lend money to people who need funds and receive interest after a certain period of time. [Housing] You can buy a house at the office. In addition to the daily rent of 20 sen per house, there is a positive correction to the population growth rate of the purchased city. will arrive. *By buying a house, not only will you receive daily rent, but the city's population will gradually increase. As the population increases, prices In addition to rising, more than 2000 people will increase the types of vehicles that can be purchased at stables and shipyards. [Trade license] Each region issues a trade license, which can be purchased in any major city in that region. Purchasing a trade license gives you preferential treatment on the sale price in that area. (The transaction price is calculated daily, so it will be effective from the day after purchase) Since you can only have one license at a time, if you buy a license in another region, the license you had until then will be Disabled. [Bank] Certain city offices have banks where you can deposit cash. No interest is charged, but cash deposited in the bank is safe from thieves. You can deposit cash from 100,000 units. You can deposit up to 99,999,999. [Immigration support] When you support immigration, you can move residents from other cities to that city, or vice versa. Residents can be moved to other cities. The total population does not increase or decrease because it is a movement between cities. *****************[inn] Staying at an inn allows time to pass. When there are not enough workers to hire in the city, or when you want to change the market over time etc. The number of workers that can be hired at the hut resets after a day has passed. Also, when traveling by boat, if you stay at an inn, the wind and current will reset to 0. You can leave. If you purchase a trade license, etc., the price will not be reflected until a day has passed. ****************[Hut] Located just below the Trading Post, this is where you replenish your vehicles with water and food, and hire workers. Water is provided free of charge, but food is charged.